Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Minimum wage increase coming 2020

Check out it's an easy website to utilize for any journalistic or news updates.  All you do is drag and drop and insert a slight description of the video, article or tweet.  This week we used to create a collage of news and articles regarding the preliminary approval of the minimum wage increase to $15 by 2020.  The increase could help our Los Angeles workers live  more comfortable lives, but it could also soar our inflation rates through the roof. made it very simple to present both sides of the argument, and made it fun as well. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

 Walking through Mt. SAC's campus you might see some of these golf carts strolling around transporting teachers or other faculty.
 Walking or driving around campus isn't the only way to get around, you will see students riding bikes, long boards and skate boards all around.
 Measure RR has given Mt. SAC the ability to expand and renovate the already beautiful campus and we are also adding a new parking structure with Measure RR funding.
 If you take a stroll through the East side of campus you will see construction going on throughout the entire campus.
 One of Mt. SAC's many state championships trophies.
If you'd like to see proof of Mt. SAC's sports dominance take a walk to the WIN programs hallways and view the championships. 
At the far corner of Mt. SAC, you can take a few swings a some golf balls, and work on your putting game.
 By the end of your tour through Mt. SAC take a peaceful walk through the shady and beautiful  Wildlife Sanctuary right across the street from campus.

Top Wide Receiver prospects

My top Wide Recievers entering the NFL draft in 2015.

This app was really cool, and simple to use to put together this graphic showing these players. You can use default templates or create your own, depends on how imaginative you're feeling that day I guess. 

Lala Youngblood "A Born Leader"

Interview with Mt. SAC's womens basketball captain, Lala Youngblood. Her life struggle from living in a household with 11 other children through attending college playing basketball for a championship caliber team.

WGB NBA Playoffs

Our take at WGB about the NBA playoffs, along with predictions and our thoughts in who should win NBA MVP.  My first time working with these guys, but they were knowledgable on the NBA, and made some pretty bold predictions.