Walking through Mt. SAC's campus you might see some of these golf carts strolling around transporting teachers or other faculty.
Walking or driving around campus isn't the only way to get around, you will see students riding bikes, long boards and skate boards all around.
Measure RR has given Mt. SAC the ability to expand and renovate the already beautiful campus and we are also adding a new parking structure with Measure RR funding.
If you take a stroll through the East side of campus you will see construction going on throughout the entire campus.
One of Mt. SAC's many state championships trophies.
If you'd like to see proof of Mt. SAC's sports dominance take a walk to the WIN programs hallways and view the championships.
At the far corner of Mt. SAC, you can take a few swings a some golf balls, and work on your putting game.
By the end of your tour through Mt. SAC take a peaceful walk through the shady and beautiful Wildlife Sanctuary right across the street from campus.
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